Best. Writing Book. Ever.
It's basically a step-by-step guide to writing any kind of book that involves a main character going through a journey of self-discovery, be it a romance, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, or any kind of genre, this basic guide can help you write it! It's an easy-to-understand layman's guide to The Hero of a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Now don't get me wrong, I love ol'Joe but his writing is dense dude! (and often gender specific).
Mostly I want to talk in this blog about the general Archetypes, and the different forms each one can take. This week will be Heroes - ie the protagonist. There are tons of types of heroes, but I'm gonna start with the classic: The Knight in Shining Armor/The Good Guy. Morally impassioned, noble, virtuous, kind, compassionate and yet brave and courageous - he will fight to save the orphaned nuns from the evil overlord of doom.
Examples of the classic hero (or heroine) are many, such as Superman, Robin Hood, Duddley Do-Right, Luke Skywalker, Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean films and many more. Some female heroes that fulfull the classic type (which they're are not a lot of, because most females have a classic role of damsel in distress) Hermoine in Harry Potter Books (even though she's not "the" hero, she is one in her own right), Kagome in Inuyasha, Elizabeth in the Pirates of the Caribbean films, and even some historical figures like Boudica.
In my own works I have several as well - such as Ketlan in the Destiny Trilogy, Diyara in Pandora's Box, and I know I have more I just can't think of them at the moment (doh!).
The biggest problem with the Classic type is that it's rather boring. You don't want the hero to start out being perfect - have bouts of pointless angst - then going back to being perfect! That's not enough of a character arc and it leaves the reader unsatisfied and rooting for the villain or various allies and foes. Now, sometimes you want a good old fashioned classic hero, but these days it's often not enough unless you're going for a "classic" kind of adventure story.
Tune In Tomorrow for: Willing Heroes & Unwilling Heroes - and The Hapless Hero

One of the most recognizable "Classic" hero types: Superman!
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