Shemyava is the wife of Adar, the leader of the Woodland Zvarocan Tribe. They have spent their lives wandering through the forests of Liliya, and entertaining in various towns to earn any money they need. They are famous carpenters and herbalists as well as musicians and dancers.
She is as wise and brave as she is beautiful and she is nurturing and compassionate, taking care of strangers as she would her family and friends. She and Adar have two daughters – Telana and Melantha – and they are her pride and joy. One day while wandering through woods near the Grand Palace they encountered a group of bandits attacking a young girl. The tribe attacked the bandits and Shemyava swept into the fray and rescued the little girl then sent the girl with her own to daughters to run and hide until it was safe to come out.
Unfortunately the tribe was slaughtered by the bandits – killing most in the process though, and in the end only two bandits were left alive and they were captured and killed by the royal guards of Liliya. The girl turned out to be the princess of Liliya and the Queen took Shemyava’s daughters into her care and protection and the sisters became best friends with the princess. Shemyava and the others gave their lives to save them.
Day 13 - Kaydi Kariff (Palmyverse)
Kaydi is one of the Four Seasons - Autumn - and lives in Vermont, working as a substitute teacher whenever she has the time. She loves teaching elementary school children about history and English, math and science –and especially about nature.
There are fifty Seasons across the world – 12 of each on each continent except the North and South poles where a Winter Queen rules each one. They have control of the weather during their season and are generally responsible for making sure the change occurs and helping all the animals, plants, and people get ready for the next season (all in an omniscient way of course). They all gather together once every four years on February 29.
It’s during this reunion one year that some of the Seasons don’t show up. They discover that someone is kidnapping Seasons and taking away their powers in order to have dominion over North America. Kaydi, along with three seasons goes to find help and eventually Kaydi ends up kidnapped as well. She manages to pass her powers to another before she is grabbed and ends up becoming a full time teacher in her beloved small town in Vermont and is actually quite happy to no longer have the responsibility of a Season.
What's the Palmyverse?
ReplyDeleteThe Palmyverse is the universe used in the Palmystery series. The books are about a palm reader who apparently has dormant super psychic powers that become activated when she reads the severed hand of a girl who was kidnapped. She suddenly discovers the world of magic that's been around her all her life and suddenly begins solving supernatural mysteries for her various magical clients. Apparently a palm reader who can accurately read a shape-shifter's palm is extremely rare.
ReplyDeleteThere's another series of books for young adults (which the previous one is not YA) set at the turn of the century in a remote vacation area on the shores of Lake Michigan which features a young albino detective named Matilda Madison and follows her adventures as she discovers the world of magic all around her.
The basic premise of the universe is that energy can take all forms and magic is simply a type of energy that can tap into that kind of shifting energy. There are shape-shifters every where - cats, dogs, birds, fish. There are also Elementals who change shape from fire, water, etc. And there are the Seasons who control the weather and can change form into elemental property of their season such as autumn leaves, snow, spring breeze, etc.
The universe is still in progress, as are the two sets of books. I just came up with the victorian one while creating character for 30 in 30. The other one I started working on years ago, but stopped when I realized I have no clue how to write a mystery. I've got some books on that and as soon as I figure it out I'll go back to working on it. Maybe I should do that one for next year's nanowrimo.
Holy crap, lady, you're just a fountain of ideas. Can I have a little of that?