Sunday, June 19, 2011

30 Days of Writing Questions - Day 1

1. Tell us about your favorite writing project/universe
that you’ve worked with and why.

Dang dude, way to start off with a hard one. I've created...let's see...I'd say there are 5 main universes that I've created over the years: the Destiverse (from the Destiny Trilogy), the Pandiverse (from Pandora's Box), the Cursiverse (from Curse/Dream Chasers/Eidolon), the Berryverse (from The Gift Bearer), and the Yibbleverse which is basically all the other half-formed, partially conceptualized universes in my head.

My favorite is probably the Destiverse. I love the Destiverse, I always have. It was the first real universe I worked on, and I've been working on it for fifteen years now. The Destiny novels are my babies and someday I will finish the first one and get it published (damn it!). However, even though I've been working on the Destiverse for so long, I still only have a basic idea of it. I've put in a lot of detail, but there's still a lot of questions I have about the universe and problems that I'm sure I haven't even run into yet. The biggest challenge, and yet biggest freedom, is that I'm building the world from the ground up. All of my other universes are based on earth, but in different times, alternate universes, different magic systems, etc. Destiny is the only one I've really created where I started from scratch. That means I don't have to do as much research since if anyone says "they didn't have mini-horses in the middle east!" I can just say "well, they do in my world." But then you have the problem of having people say the word "God" - what does God mean to the people of the kingdom, what religion do they have. And I don't just have one kingdom, I have several. In the first book alone the hero visits three very different kingdoms and there are hints about a fourth. I haven't fully explored this world and every time I play with it I come up with new ideas. I just need to start solidifying things so I know what I need to know when I need to know it. Does anyone else have that problem with their universes?

I just have to add that I also love the Curseiverse because I've spent so much time playing in it that I finally have the basic world and magic system set. I feel on very solid ground when I write in that verse so it makes me want to play in it a lot.

Just for fun (and bored SFF members like myself) I created a quiz to help people determine which SFF universe they belonged in:

I'm also going to provide a picture every day to go with my writing post because I like pictures. A lot.

"Has anyone else noticed that this map of Traldon
looks a lot like Southeast Asia?"

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