11. Who is your favorite character to write? Least favorite?
My least favorite is easy -- Lord Geoffrey in the Destiverse. He's Bal and Est's dad and is officially the worst villain in all of space and time in every universe and dimention. Seriously dude, he's f*ed up. I tried to make him a real bastard and over did it. Whenever I think of something so horrible, so terrible that no human being with any kind of soul could ever do it then not only has he done it, he's bought the T-shirt and worn it out. I always try to get inside my characters heads when I'm writing them, even if I'm not writing it from their perspective, but he's the one character I refuse to do that with. I tried it one and had to spend the next three days scrubbing my brain out. And the worst part is that I can't enjoy killing him off because even his death f*s people up! He kills himself in the end, which is a preordained death that I can't change for plot reasons, so when I ever I really want to beat the character up I just write an alternate universe story where various people get to kill him in slow and painful ways. On the plus side he's clearly a villain that everyone will hate. Bonus?
My favorite character to write is a little harder, because I have so many characters that I dearly love. I love writing Zarc, and the Silverstone sisters, and France Wah. I also like writing Terri Madison from Eidolon cause she's awesome. But my two favorites are in the Destiverse, and I think I'm gonna have to call it a tie between Ketlan and Molly & May.
In the original first draft of the book the only character that didn't really have character was Ketlan. He had the personality of a squashed grape. When I had to slash the book in half by changing it from third-person omnicient to third-person limited, the only character that made sense to follow was Ketlan, since he was the hero of the book. But since he was the most boring character this was a problem. I think I spent over two years trying everything to give him character, including writing a first person diary of his life, answering detailed questions, giving him quirks, but nothing seemed to work. I simply could not find his voice. So I decided that instead of trying to find something in him that I could connect to to find his voice, I decided to give him some of my character traits and in some ways kind of give him my voice. That worked, finally! Now Ketlan is kind of like my paper twin brother because we have an almost identical voice (only one other character has a "voice" so close to mine, most of my characters voices are totally different). Some of the traits Ketlan now has are a tendancy to babble and go on tangents, he can't spell, has no sense of direction, and gets annoyed by having too much internal angst. He's so much fun to write now -- I can't even tell you how much fun I have writing him. I ended up having the same problem when I started re-writing Part Two where the reader starts following Melantha as well -- suddenly her voice was boring now, when compared to Ketlan's! Here's a bit from Destiny, Part 2 that sums him up pretty well:
"Esteban you are my past and Melantha you are my future." There was a long pause, then Ketlan frowned. "And I swear I had a point, but I lost it somehow." Silence. "For some strange reason the only thing I can think of is peanuts." Ketlan mumbled to himself. "Thinking…thinking…oh, that's right!" He grinned. "Melantha, do you want to get married today? I don't know how that relates to peanuts, by the way."
My other favorite character to write is actually two characters (sometimes three when I'm writing the OOPS): Molly and May. When Ketlan meets Molly & May they are will Milly and the OOPS and appear as hapless bandits who try to rob him and fail. In reality Molly & May are very old, very magical and highly unique fairies who spend most of their time working as secret agents/spies for the Goddess of Fate. They can temporarily take any form they chose (human or non, male or female) but almost always appear as blonde humans, one of which has glasses (Molly). They're wacky and goofy and have their own highly distinctive voice and often talk about very random things. I love writing them because it's just so fun to be crazy and goofy and random and I love the way they interact with other characters. The fact that they, more then any other character, are inspired by the amusing antics and fun sense of humor of two of my favorite people is just a bonus.
On the surface they are mere comic relief, but the more we learn about them the more we realize that the goofball pair are quite serious at heart and have a very interesting and tramatic past. They tend to finish each other's sentances, banter and joke, and to the reader they appear almost identical in their voice. But they're not, and when they are alone with just the two of them (or w/ Erion) and they drop the comic mask you suddenly see them as they really are. They're not at all the same. I would go into their detailed and very interesting past and reveal the greatest secret about them that only two people know (Erion and Belatee), but it would take way too long. So instead I'll leave you with this scene from Destiny, Part Three where Milly, Molly, and May (also known as the Miglets) wake up Ketlan by serenading him:
The sun had fully risen when Ketlan finally fell asleep. His mind was so full of thoughts that he didn't know if he could, but he did and rather abruptly. One minute he sat on the bed and closed his eyes, and the next he woke up with a face full of pillow and half his body on the floor. There was a grating, cacophony of sound above him and it took him a minute to realize it was singing. He looked up to see the Miglets serenading him.
"Stir the cream (stir the cream)! Light the candles (light the candles)! And that's why I love Pud-ding-time!" they sang. May looked at Ketlan and grinned. "Dude, he's awake!"
"Took long enough," Molly muttered. "We sang twenty-four verses of Everyone's Pudding."
Ketlan pulled himself up, then stretched and realized he was sore in some strange places. "I think I fell off the bed."
Milly reached out her hand towards the other two. "Pay up."
"Dang!" Molly cried, fishing some coins out of her apron.
"Thanks a lot, dude," May said to Ketlan as she handed her coins to Milly.
Ketlan frowned. "What did you bet on?"
"Whether or not you always sleep that way," Milly said.
"Doesn't everyone?" May asked.
"I know you don't," Molly said, then looked at Ketlan. "She sleeps sideways. I sleep standing up."
"And I want to know that because...?" Ketlan asked. Molly and May shrugged in unison. The prince yawned and stretched again, then glanced around the room. "Where's Isian?"
"He's downstairs," Milly said.
"He left after verse ten," May explained.
"Dude, you didn't even move until verse seventeen," Molly added.
"How many verses are there?" Ketlan asked.
"Sixty-three," May replied.
"Sixty-three verses about pudding?"
"And why we love it so," Milly agreed.
"Pudding!" Molly and May cried in unison and did a little dance. Ketlan grinned and decided he liked the Miglets.

. Ketlan thanks me for finally giving him character.
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