Friday, July 1, 2011

30 Days of Writing Questions - Day 13

13. What's your favorite culture to write, fictional or not?

I like to make up my own culture, because then I can blend all the elements of different cultures that I want to. That said, I usually gravitate to American and European cultures in the 17-19th century because I like the style of fashion, design, culture, as well as the social and political upheavals caused by such things as the Age of Enlightenment, the various revolutions and civil wars, and religious and political reform, and the age of industrialization. My favorite period in history is definately 18th century France, England, and America for various reasons, mostly having to do with bitchin' cool furniture and awesome clothes.

Of the cultures I've created I probably enjoy writing about Illishar the most because the sky is the limit there. It's the center of the world economically and has incorborated a lot of styles from other kingdoms, yet it's still very unique and exotic. It's a magic land of seven deserts that has everything from magical jars to a sunkeon city at the bottom of a disappearing oasis. Totally fun place. And the pumpkins are purple there.

Actors wearing 18th century American Colonial costumes at the recreation of an 18th Century French fort in Southern Illinois. (photo taken for a documentary about George Rogers Clark who does make an appearence in one of my books. Actors are Brittany Ann Whalen, Morgan Thomas, and Russell Martin).


  1. I know old GRC probably shows up in Gift Bearer, but I reeeeally want you to say he's in Pandora's Box or something.

  2. Actually he doesn't show up in GRC but he should! That would be awesome! At the moment he actively shows up in the third book of a four book series called Convergence which has nothing to do with any SFF universe and I should tell you about sometime. He is mentioned several times in the Curseiverse by one of Alaine De Rocher's ghost groupies who was in love with him.

    Is there any historical character that makes one of more appearences in your writing?

  3. I'd have to think about that. My knowledge of history is pretty weak in general so I doubt I've ever included a historical figure in a piece of fiction. I should, sometime. Not sure who, though. Maybe someone horrendously depressing, like Franz Kafka. That could be interesting.

    I once wrote a piece of Highlander fic involving Dick Clark, but that stopped being funny when he actually started getting old.
