Monday, July 18, 2011

30 Days of Writing Questions - Day 30

30. Final question! Tag someone!

And tell us what you like about that

person as a writer and/or about

one of his/her characters!

I tag melydia because she's the only person that I know reads this blog! Seriously though, Melydia is one of my favorite writers (and people) because she actually writes - and often finishes what she writes! Unlike most of us she's not pretending to write an award winning epic novel, she just writes for fun. I admire her talent and creativity and her just wonderful and random sense of humor. When I read her work it has a fresh feeling, like she just jotted it down or took a picture and posted it inside your mind (wait, what?).

I think the humor is the best thing about her writing in general (though she does serious well too from what little I've read). Her story Kittens is freaking hilarious! She is so good at mixing a feel for the everyday with a flair for the fantastical or melodramatic. Most of the stories I've read of hers recently have a sense of daily life being interrupted by something extraordinary happening, which then gets incorporated (or in one case ignored) into their every day world. I don't know if I'm explaining it right.

I really would love to see melydia do this 30 Days of Writing because I don't know that much about her writing these days beyond what she's posted on her website or in the Write Now closed group on Facebook. So I think this meme would be a great way to learn more about her writing and the universes she creates.

However, I know that she is rediculously busy this summer so I don't expect her to do it anytime soon. But maybe someday?


  1. Man, I'm just all over this blog today! *preen*

    I appreciate your optimism regarding my ability to finish things. Let's talk about all the partial novels sitting in a box in my closet sometime. :) But seriously, I am quite flattered. And I'd like to do this meme - in fact, I got two other friends to do it! - but who knows when? Ideally I'd like to do what you've done, with long, well-thought-out answers and even pictures. When? Not sure. Maybe while I'm convalescing after my ankle surgery in a few weeks. Meme + narcotics = extra entertainment, right? Right!

  2. Oh dude, I can't wait for a drugged up meme from you -- that would be like all extra awesomeness. I figured you had some projects that aren't finished but it seems like you do complete a lot.

    I mean every word (but not every syllable.)

    Yes, you are all over the blog today. 3 times the charm I guess. And can you tell I really like the picture of you wrestling the alligator since I'm posting it everywhere I can (it's my desktop wallpaper right now too.)
